
2016 - 2023

2011 - 2015

  • Fried I. Brain Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. (2016) Sep 06.54(2):789-791. Epub 2016/08/29
  • Suthana NA, Parikshak NN, Ekstrom AD, Ison MJ, Knowlton BJ, Bookheimer SY, Fried I.Specific responses of human hippocampal neurons are associated with better memory. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Aug 18;112(33):10503-8. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1423036112.
  • Andrillon T, Nir Y, Cirelli C, Tononi G, Fried I.Single-neuron activity and eye movements during human REM sleep and awake vision. Nature Communications. 2015 Aug 11;6:7884. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8884.
  • Ison MJ, Quian Quiroga R, Fried I.. Rapid Encoding of New Memories by Individual Neurons in the Human Brain.  2015 Jul 1; 87(1): 220–230. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.06.016
  • Perez, O., Mukamel, R., Tankus A., Yeshurun H., and Fried I. Preconscious prediction of a Driver’s Decision Using Intracranial Recordings,  Neurosc.2015 Mar 11:1-11.
  • Perez, O., Mukamel, R., Tankus A., Yeshurun H., and Fried I. Preconscious prediction of a Driver’s Decision Using Intracranial Recordings,  Neurosc.2015 Mar 11:1-11.
  • Miller, J., Suthana, N., Fried I., Jacobs, J. Repeating spatial activations in human entorhinal cortex, Currrent Biology, 2015 Apr 1. pii: S0960-9822 (15) 00214-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.02.045.
  • Fried I. Brain stimulation and memory. Brain. 2015 Jul;138(Pt 7):1766-7. doi: 10.1093/brain/awv121. PubMed PMID: 26106093.
  • Ossmy O, Fried I, Mukamel R. Decoding speech perception from single cell activity in humans. Neuroimage. 2015 Aug 15;117:151-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.001. Epub 2015 May 11. PubMed PMID: 25976925.
  • Dewar S, Eliashiv D, Walshaw PD, Engel J Jr, Fried I, Moseley BD. Safety, efficacy, and life satisfaction following epilepsy surgery in patients aged 60 years and older. J Neurosurg. 2015 Sep 18:1-7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26381254.Weiss SA, Alvarado-Rojas C, Bragin A, Behnke E, Fields T, Fried I, Engel J Jr, Staba R. Ictal onset patterns of local field potentials, high frequency oscillations, and unit activity in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2015 Nov 26. doi: 10.1111/epi.13251. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26611159.
  • Lopour BA, Staba RA, Stern JM, Fried I, Ringach DL. Characterization of long-range functional connectivity in epileptic networks by neuronal spike-triggered local field potentials. J Neural Eng. (2016) Apr;13(2):026031. doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/13/2/026031. Epub 2016 Mar 15. PubMed PMID: 26975603.
  • Quian Quiroga R, Kraskov A, Mormann F, Fried I, Koch C.Single-cell responses to face adaptation in the human medial temporal lobe.  2014 Oct 22;84(2):363-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.09.006.
  • Roth J, Fried I, Constantini S. [Neurosurgical aspects in the treatment of children with tuberous sclerosis complex]. Harefuah. 2014 Jan; 153(1): 43-7, 63. Review. Hebrew
  • Rey HG, Fried I, Quian Quiroga R. Timing of single-neuron and local field potential responses in the human medial temporal lobe. Curr Biol. 2014 Feb 3; 24(3): 299-304. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.12.004. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
  • Singer N, Podlipsky I, Esposito F, Okon-Singer H, Andelman F, Kipervasser S, Neufeld MY, Goebel R, Fried I, Hendler T. Distinct iEEG activity patterns in temporal-limbic and prefrontal sites induced by emotional intentionality. Cortex. 2014 Nov; 60:121-38.doi: 10.1016/ 2014.07.021. Epub 2014 Aug 14.
  • Hill MR, Fried I, Koch C. Quantification and classification of neuronal responses in kernel smoothed peristimulus time histograms. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Dec 4: jn.00595.2014. doi: 10.1152/jn.00595.2014.
  • Lopour, B., Tavassoli, A., Fried I, Ringach, D.Coding of information in the phase of local field potentials within human medial temporal lobe.  2013 Aug 7;79(3):594-606. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.06.001.
  • Jacobs J, Weidemann CT, Miller JF, Solway A, Burke JF, Wei XX, Suthana N, Sperling MR, Sharan AD, Fried I, Kahana MJ.Direct recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation.  Neurosci. 2013 Sep;16(9):1188-90. doi: 10.1038/nn.3466.
  • Quiroga RQ, Fried I, Koch C.Brain cells for grandmother. Scientific American 2013 Feb;308(2):30-5. DOI: 10.1038/scientificamerican0213-30
  • Horowitz G, Amit M, Fried I,Neufeld MY, Sharf L, Kramer U, Fliss DM. Vagal nerve stimulation for refractory epilepsy: the surgical procedure and complications in 100 implantations by a single medical center. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2013) 270(1): 355-8.
  • Davidesco I, Harel M, Ramot M, Kramer U, Kiperwasser S, Andelman F, Neufield MY, Goelman G, Fried I,Malach R. Spatial and object-based attention modulates broadband high-frequency responses across the human visual cortical hierarchy. J Neurosci (2013) 33(3): 1228-40.
  • Meshulam M, Ramot M, Harel M, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I,Malach R. Selectivity of audio-visual ECoG responses revealed under naturalistic stimuli in the human cortex. J Neurophysiol. (2013).
  • Blouin AM, Fried I,Wilson CL, Staba RJ, Behnke EJ, Lam HA, Maidment NT, Karlsson K, Lapierre JL, Siegel JM. Human hypocretin and melanin-concentrating hormone levels are linked to emotion and social interaction. Nat Commun. (2013) 4:1547.
  • Speier W, Fried I, Pouratian N. Improved P300 speller performance using electrocorticography, spectral features, and natural language processing. Clin Neurophysiol. (2013).
  • Tankus A, Fried I, Shoham S. Cognitive-motor brain-machine interfaces.J Physiol Paris. 2014 Feb;108(1):38-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jphysparis.2013.05.005. Epub 2013 Jun 15. Review.
  • Suthana, N., Fried, I. Deep Brain Stimulation for Enhancement of Learning and Memory. Review. 2014 Jan 15; 85 Pt 3:996-1002. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.07.066. Epub 2013 Aug 3.
  • Ramot M, Fisch L, Davidesco I, Harel M, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I, Malach R. Emergence of sensory patterns during sleep highlights differential dynamics of REM and non-REM sleep stages. J Neurosci. 2013 Sep 11; 33(37): 14715-28. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0232-13.2013.
  • Bari A, Niu T, Langevin JP, Fried I. Limbic neuromodulation: implications for addiction, posttraumatic stress disorder, and memory. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2014 Jan; 25(1): 137-45. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2013 Oct 10. Review.
  • Suthana N, Haneef Z, Stern J, Mukamel R, Behnke E, Knowlton B, Fried I.Memory enhancement and deep-brain stimulation of the entorhinal area. New England J Medicine. 2012 Feb 9;366(6):502-10. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1107212.
  • Engel J. Jr., McDermott M, Wiebe S, Langfitt J, Stern J, Dewar S, Sperling M, Gardiner I, Erba G, Fried I, Jacobs M, Vinters HV, Mintzer S, Kieburtz K. Early Randomized Surgical Epilepsy Trial (ERSET) Study Group.Early surgical therapy for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: a randomized trial.  2012 Mar 7;307(9):922-30. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.220.
  • Staba RJ, Ekstrom AD, Suthana NA, Burggren A, Fried I, Engel J. Jr., Bookheimer SY. Gray matter loss correlates with mesial temporal lobe neuronal hyperexcitability inside the human seizure-onset zone. Epilepsia(2012) 53:25-34.
  • Tankus A, Fried I. Visuomotor coordination and motor representation by human temporal lobe neurons. J Cogn Neurosci(2012) 24:600-610.
  • Rosenberg-Katz K, Jamshy S, Singer N, Podlipsky I, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Intrator N, Fried I,Hendler T. Enhanced functional synchronization of medial and lateral PFC underlies internally-guided action planning. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 6:79.
  • Ramot M, Fisch L, Harel M, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I,Malach R. A Widely Distributed Spectral Signature of Task-Negative Electrocorticography Responses Revealed during a Visuomotor Task in the Human Cortex. J Neurosci (2012) 32: 10458-10469.
  • Suthana N, Fried I. Percepts to recollections: insights from single neuron recordings in the human brain. Trends Cogn Sci (2012) 16: 427-436.
  • Ramot M, Fisch L, Harel M, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I,Malach R. A widely distributed spectral signature of task-negative electrocorticography reponses revealed during a visuomotor task in the human cortex. J Neurosci. (2012) 32(31): 10458-69. (Repeated)
  • Tankus A, Fried I,Shoham S. Structured neuronal encoding and decoding of human speech features. Nat Commun. (2012) 3:1015.
  • Tankus A, Fried I, Shoham S. Sparse decoding of multiple spike trains for brain-machine interfaces. J Neural Eng.(2012) 9(5): 054001.
  • Esposito F, Singer N, Podlipsky I, Fried I,Hendler T, Goebel R. Cortex-based inter-subject analysis of iEEG and fMRI data sets: Application to sustained task-related BOLD and gamma responses. (2012) 66C: 457-468.
  • Mukamel R, Fried I. Human intracranial recordings and cognitive neuroscience.Annu Rev Psychol. (2012) 63:511-37.
  • Howard MW, Viskontas IV, Shankar KV, Fried I. Ensembles of human MTL neurons “jump back in time” in response to a repeated stimulus. Hippocampus (2012) 22(9): 1833-1847.
  • Nir Y, Staba RJ, Andrillon T, Vyazovskiy VV, Cirelli C, Fried I, Tononi G. Regional slow waves and spindles in sleep. 2011 Apr 14;70(1):153-69. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.02.043.
  • Fried I, Mukamel R, Kreiman G.Internally generated preactivation of single neurons in human medial frontal cortex predicts volition.  2011 Feb 10;69(3):548-62. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.045.
  • Privman E, Fisch L, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Yeshurun Y, Fried I, Malach R. Antagonistic relationship between gamma power and visual evoked potentials revealed in human visual cortex. Cereb Cortex(2011) 21:616-624.
  • Mukamel R, Nir Y, Harel M, Arieli A, Malach R, Fried I. Invariance of firing rate and field potential dynamics to stimulus modulation rate in human auditory cortex. Hum Brain Mapp(2011) 32:1181-1193.
  • Watrous AJ, Fried I,Ekstrom D. The behavioral correlates of human hippocampal theta oscillations during navigation. J Neurophysiol. (2011) 105:1747-1755.
  • Andrillon Y, Staba RJ, Ferrarelli F, Cirelli C, Tononi G, Fried I. Sleep spindles in humans: insights from intracranial EEG and unity recordings. J Neuroscience(2011) 31:17821-17834
  • Mormann F, Dubois J, Kornblith S, Milosvlejevic M, Cerf M, Ison M, Tsuchiya N, Kraskov A, Quiroga RQ, Adolphs R, Fried I, Koch C. A category-specific response to animals in the right human amygdala. Nat Neurosci(2011) 14:1247-1249.
  • Ison MJ, Mormann F, Cerf M, Koch C, Fried I, Quiroga RQ. Selectivity of pyramidal cells and interneurons in the human medial temporal lobe. J Neurophysiol(2011) 106:1713-1721.
  • Uliel-Sibony S, Kramer U, Fried I, Fattal-Valevski A, Constantini S. Pediatric temporal low-grade glial tumors: epilepsy outcome following resection in 48 children. Childs Nerv Syst(2011) 27:1413-1418.
  • Hindi-Ling H, Kipervasser S, Neufeld MY, Andelman F, Nagar S, Chistik V, Veshchev I, Fried I, Kramer U. Epilepsy surgery in children compared to adults. Pediatr Neurosurg(2011) 47:180-185.

2006 - 2010

  • Cerf M, Thiruvengadam N, Mormann F, Kraskov A, Quiroga RQ, Koch C, Fried I.On-line, voluntary control of human temporal lobe neurons.  2010 Oct 28;467(7319):1104-8. doi: 10.1038/nature09510.
  • Mukamel R, Ekstrom AD, Kaplan J, Iacoboni M, Fried I.Single-neuron responses in humans during execution and observation of actions. Current Biology. 2010 Apr 27;20(8):750-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.045.
  • Jacobs J, Kahana MJ, Ekstrom AD, Mollison MV, Fried I.A sense of direction in human entorhinal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 6;107(14):6487-92. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0911213107
  • Paz R, Gelbard-Sagiv H, Mukamel R, Harel M, Malach R, Fried I.A neural substrate in the human hippocampus for linking successive events. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 30;107(13):6046-51. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910834107.
  • Pedreira C, Mormann F, Kraskov A, Cerf M, Fried I, Koch C, Quian Quiroga R. Responses of human medial temporal lobe neurons are modulated by stimulus repetition. J Neurophysiol(2010) 103:97-107.
  • Upchurch K, Stern JM, Salamon N, Dewar S, Engel J. Jr., Vinters HV, Fried I. Epileptogenic temporal cavernous malformations: Operative strategies and postoperative seizure outcomes. Seizure(2010) 19:120-128.
  • Paz R, Gelbard-Sagiv H, Mukamel R, Harel M, Malach R, Fried I. A neural substrate in the human hippocampus for linking successive events. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A(2010) 1007:6046-6051.
  • Jacobs J, Kahana MJ, Ekstrom AD, Mollison MV, Fried I. A sense of direction in human entorhinal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A(2010) 107:6487-6492.
  • Engel J. Jr., Akhtari M, Bragin A, Fried I, Ogren JA, Staba RJ, Salamon N, Thompson PM. New approaches to structural and functional imaging in focal epilepsy. Epilepsia(2010) Suppl 1:83-86.
  • Le Van Quyen M, Staba R, Bragin A, Dickson C, Valerrama M, Fried I, Engel J Jr. Large-scale microelectrode recordings of high-frequency gamma oscillations in human cortex during sleep. J Neurosci(2010) 30:7770-7782.
  • Mukamel R, Ekstrom AD, Kaplan J, Iacoboni M, Fried I. Single-neuron responses in humans during execution and observation of actions. Curr Bio(2010) 20:750-756
  • Jacobs J, Korolev IO, Caplan JB, Ekstrom AD, Litt B, Baltuch G, Fried I, Shulze-BonhageA, Madsen JR, Kahana MJ. Right-lateralized brain oscillations in human spatial navigation. JCogn Neurosci (2010) 22:824-836.
  • Rosenberg I, Nossek E, Liebling R, Fried I, Shapira-Lichter I, Hendler T, Ram Z. Prediction of neurological deficits and recovery after surgery in the supplementary motor area: A prospective study in 26 patients. J Neurosurg(2010) 113:1152-1163.
  • Fisch L, Privman E, Ramot M, Harel M, Nir Y, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I, Malach R.Neural “ignition”: enhanced activation linked to perceptual awareness in human ventral stream visual cortex.  2009 Nov 25;64(4):562-74. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.11.001.
  • Viskontas IV, Quiroga RQ, Fried I.Human medial temporal lobe neurons respond preferentially to personally relevant images. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Dec 15;106(50):21329-34. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0902319106.
  • Ekstrom A, Suthana N, Millett D, Fried I, Bookheimer S. Correlation between BOLD fMRI and theta-band local field potentials in the human hippocampal area. J Neurophysiol (2009) 101:2668-2678.
  • Stern Y, Neurfeld MY, Kipervasser S, Zilberstein A, Fried I, Teicher M, Adi-Japha E. Source localization of temporal lobe epilepsy using PCA-LORETA analysis on ictal EEG recordings. J Clin Neurophysiol (2009) 26:109-116.
  • Milstein J, Mormann F, Fried I, Koch C. Neuronal shot noise and Brownian 1/f2 behavior in the local field potential. PLoS ONE(2009, Epub).
  • Tankus A, Yeshurun Y, Flash T, Fried I. Encoding of Speed and Direction of Movement in the Human Supplementary Motor Area. J Neurosurg(2009) 110:1304-1316.
  • Lerner JT, Salamon N, Hauptman JS, Velasco TR, Hemb M, Wu JY, Sankar R, Shields DW, Engel J. Jr., Fried I, Cepeda C, Andre VM, Levine MS, Miyata H, Yog WH, Vinters HV, Mathern GW. Assessment and surgical outcomes for mild type I and severe type II cortical dysplasia: a critical review and the UCLA experience. Epilepsia(2009) 50:1310-1335
  • an Quiroga R, Kraskov A, Koch C, Fried I. Explicit encoding of multimodal perception by single neurons in the human brain. Current Biol(2009) 19:1308-1313.
  • Manning JR, Jacobs J, Fried I, Kahana MJ. Broadband shifts in local field potential power spectra are correlated with single-neuron spiking in humans. J Neurosci(2009) 29:13613-13620.
  • Tankus A, Yeshurun Y, Fried I. An automatic measure for classifying clusters of suspected spikes into single cells versus multiunits. J Neural Eng(2009) 6:56001 (Epub).
  • Fisch L, Privman E, Ramot M, Harel M, Nir Y, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I, Malach R. Neural “ignition”: enhanced activation linked to perceptual awareness in human ventral stream visual cortex. Neuron(2009) 64:562-574.
  • Viskontas IV, Quiroga RQ, Fried I. Human medial temporal lobe neurons respond preferentially to personally relevant images. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A(2009) 106:21329-21334.
  • Ogren JA, Wilson CL, Bragin A, Lin JJ, Salamon N, Dutton RA, Luders E, Fields TA, Fried I, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Engel J. Jr., Staba RJ. Three-dimensional surface maps link local atrophy and fast ripples in human epileptic hippocampus. Ann Neurol(2009) 66:783-91.
  • Nir Y, Mukamel R, Dinstein I, Privman E, Harel M, Gelbard-Sagiv H, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Arieli A, Fried I, Malach R. Interhemispheric correlations of slow spontaneous neuronal fluctuations revealed in human sensory cortex. Nat Neurosci (2008) 11:1100-1108. Reviewed in Nature Neuroscience, 11:991-993.
  • Gelbard-Sagiv H, Mukamel R, Harel M, Malach R, Fried I.Internally generated reactivation of single neurons in human hippocampus during free recall. Science(2008) 322:96-101.
  • Quian Quiroga R, Mukamel R, Isham EA, Malach R, Fried I.Human single-neuron responses at the threshold of conscious recognition. Proc Nat Acad Sci (2008) 105:3599- 3604. Reviewed in Nature Rev Neurosci 9:247.
  • Bitterman Y, Mukamel R, Malach R, Fried I, Nelken I. Ultra-fine frequency tuning revealed in single neurons of human auditory cortex. Nature(2008) 451:197-201
  • Quian Quiroga R, Mukamel R, Isham EA, Malach R, Fried I.Human single-neuron responses at the threshold of conscious recognition. Proc Nat Acad Sci (2008) 105:3599-3604.
  • Bergström G, Björklund C, Fried I, Lisspers J, Nathell L, Hermansson U, Helander A, Bodin L, Jensen IB. A comprehensive workplace intervention and its outcome with regard to lifestyle, health and sick leave: the AHA study.2008;31(2):167-80.
  • Quian Quiroga R, Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I. Sparse but not “grandmother cell” coding in the medial temporal lobe. Trends Cog Sci(2008) 12:87-91. (With cover image)
  • Bitterman Y, Mukamel R, Malach R, Fried I, Nelken I. Ultra-fine frequency tuning revealed in single neurons of human auditory cortex. Nature(2008) 451:197-201.
  • Ekstrom A, Suthana N, Behnke E, Salamon N, Bookheimer S, Fried I. High-resolution depth electrode localization and imaging in patients with pharmacologically intractable epilepsy. J Neurosurg (2008) 108:812-815.
  • Kipervasser S, Palti, D, Neufeld MY, Ben Shachar M, Andelman R, Fried I, Korczyn AD, Hendler T. Possible remote functional reorganization in left temporal lobe epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica (2008) 117:324-331.
  • Viskontas IV, Ekstrom A, Wilson CL, Fried I. Characterizing interneuron and pyramidal cells in the human medial temporal lobe in vivo using extracellular recordings. Hippocampus(2007) 17:49-57.
  • Kraskov A, Quiroga RQ, Reddy L, Fried I, Koch C. Local field potentials and spikes in the human medial temporal lobe are selective to image category.J Cogn Neurosci. 2007 Mar;19(3):479-92
  • Jacobs J, Kahana M, Ekstrom A, Fried I. Brain oscillations control timing of single-neuron activity in humans. J Neurosci(2007) 27:3839-3844.
  • Ekstrom A, Viskontas I, Kahana M, Jacobs J, Upchurch K, Bookheimer S, Fried I. Contrasting roles of neural firing rate and local field potentials in human memory. Hippocampus(2007) 17:606-617.
  • Privman E, Nir Y, Kramer U, Kipervasser S, Andelman F, Neufeld MY, Mukamel R, Yeshurun Y, Fried I, Malach R. Enhanced category tuning revealed by intracranial electroencephalograms in high-order human visual areas. J Neurosci(2007) 27:6234-242.
  • Kipervasser S, Nagar S, Chistik V, Kramer U, Fried I,Neufeld MY. The prognostic significance of interictal epileptiform activity in postoperative EEGs of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin EEG Neurosci (2007) 38:137-142.
  • Nir Y, Fisch L, Mukamel R, Gelbard-Sagiv H, Arieli A, Fried I, Malach R. Coupling between neuronal firing rate, gamma LFP, and BOLD fMRI is related to interneuronal correlations.       Current Biol(2007) 17:1275-1285.
  • Quian Quiroga R, Reddy L, Koch C, Fried I. Decoding visual inputs from multiple neurons in the human temporal lobe. J Neurophysiol(2007) 998:1997-2007.
  • Staba RJ, Frighetto L, Behnke EJ, Mathern GW, Fields T, Bragin A, Ogren J, Fried I, Wilson CL, Engel J Jr. Increased fast ripple to ripple ratios correlate with reduced hippocampal volumes and neuron loss in temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Epilepsia(2007) 48:2130-2138.
  • Andelman F, Kipervasser S, Neufeld MY, Kramer U, Fried I. Predictive value of Wada memory scores on postoperative learning and memory abilities in patients with intractable epilepsy. J Neurosurg(2006) 104:20-26.
  • Kramer U, Kipervasser S, Neufeld MY, Fried I, Nagar S, Andelman F. Is there any correlation between severity of epilepsy and cognitive abilities in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Eur J Neurol(2006) 13:130-134.
  • Schrader LM, Stern JM, Wilson CL, Fields TA, Salamon N, Nuwer MR, Vespa PM, Fried I. Low frequency electrical stimulation through subdural electrodes in a case of refractory status epilepticus. Clin Neurophysiol(2006) 117:781-788.
  • Zeitzer JM, Morales-Villagran A, Maidment NT, Behnke EJ, Ackerson LS, Lopez-Rodriguez F, Fried I, Engel J. Jr., Wilson CL. Extracellular adenosine in the human brain during sleep and sleep deprivation: an in vivo microdialysis study. Sleep(2006) 29:455-461.
  • Akhtari M, Salamon N, Duncan R, Fried I, Mathern GW. Electrical conductivities of the freshly excised cerebral cortex in epilepsy surgery patients; correlation with pathology, seizure duration, and diffusion tensor imaging. Brain Topogr(2006) 18:281-290.
  • Reddy L, Quiroga RQ, Wilken P, Koch C, Fried I. A single-neuron correlate of change detection and change blindness in the human medial temporal lobe. Curr Biol(2006) 16:2066-2072.
  • Waydo S, Kraskov A, Quian Quiroga R, Fried I, Koch C. Sparse representation in the human medial temporal lobe. J Neurosci(2006) 26:10232-10234.
  • Viskontas IV, Knowlton BJ, Steinmetz PN, Fried I. Differences in mnemonic processing by neurons in the human hippocampus and parahippocampal regions. J Cogn Neurosci(2006) 18:1654-1662.
  • Andelman F, Kipervasser S, Reider-Groswasser II, Fried I, Neufeld MY. Hippocampal memory function as reflected by the intracarotid sodium methohexital Wada test. Epilepsy Behav(2006) 9:579-586.

2001 - 2005

  • Mukamel R, Gelbard H, Arieli A, Hasson U, Fried I, Malach R. Coupling between neuronal firing, field potentials and fMRI in human auditory cortex. Science(2005) 309(5736): 951-954.
  • Quian Quiroga R, Reddy I, Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I. Invariant visual representation by single neurons in the human brain. Nature(2005) 435:1102-1107.
  • Ekstrom AD, Kahana MJ, Caplan JB, Fields TA, Isham EA, Newman EL, Fried I: Cellular networks underlying human spatial navigation. Nature (2003) 425:184-187. Reviewed in Nature Reviews Neuroscience(2003) 4:933. Reviewed in TINS (2003) 7:517
  • Ekstrom AD, Kahana MJ, Caplan JB, Fields TA, Isham EA, Newman EL, Fried I: Cellular networks underlying human spatial navigation. Nature(2003) 425:184-187.
  • Kahn I, Yeshurun Y, Rotschtein P, Fried I, Ben-Bahat D, Hendler T: The role of the amygdala in appraising prospectivKe outcome of choice. Neuron (2002)33: 983-994.
  • Fried I, Cameron KA, Yashar S, Fong R, Morrow JW: Inhibitory and excitatory responses of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe during recognition of faces and objects. Cerebral Cortex(2002) 12:575-584.
  • Cameron KA, Yashar S, Wilson CL, Fried I: Human hippocampal neurons predict how well word pairs will be remembered. Neuron(2001) 30:289-298.
  • Fried I, Wilson CL, Morrow JW, Cameron KA, Behnke ED, Ackerson LC, Maidment NT: Increased dopamine release in the human amygdala during performance of memory tasks. Nature Neurosci(2001) 4:201-206.

2000 & Prior

  • Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I: Imagery neurons in the human brain. Nature(2000) 408:357-361.
  • Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I: Category-specific visual responses of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe. Nature Neurosci(2000) 3:946-953.
  • Fried I: Technical Comment: The hippocampus and human navigation. Science(1998) 282:2151.
  • Fried I: Syndrome E. The Lancet(1997) 350:1845-1847. Author’s reply to letters: The Lancet (1998) 351:830.
  • Fried I, Wilson CL, MacDonald KA, Behnke EJ: Electric currents stimulate laughter. Nature(1998) 391:650.
  • Fried I, MacDonald KA, Wilson CL: Single neuron activity in human hippocampus and amygdala during recognition of faces and objects. Neuron (1997) 18:753-765.
  • Fried I. Cerebral dominance and subtypes of developmental dyslexia. Bull Orton Society 29 (1979) 101-112.
  • Fried I, Tanguay P, Boder E, Doubleday C, Greensite M. Developmental dyslexia: Electrophysiological evidence of clinical subtypes. Brain and Language 12 (1981) 14-22.
  • Fried I, Ojemann GA, Fetz EE. Language-related potentials specific to human language cortex. Science 212 (1981) 353-356.
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