CNL Wiki

Docs: Screening Task

Updated on February 27, 2025

Screening Task Protocol

New GM_AV (Emily’s simplified version)


  • Software: MATLAB (use 2018b or 2019b version), Matlab Psychtoolbox
  • Task Version: cnl/documents/PIPELINE/GM_AV (CNL Mac 5 only)
  • Task Version: Desktop/Tasks/Screening2 (Linux)
  • Equipment: 
    • videogame controller or keyboard
    • backup microphone
    • CNL Mac 5/Linux
    • Neuralynx or Blackrock recording system


Participants will be asked to categorize the prepared screening stimuli. Instructions for classification will be presented at the beginning of each round (people, animals, buildings, plants etc). 

Cal Mac 5 Procedure:

  1. Open MATLAB 
  2. Add to path: cnl/Documents/PIPELINE/PARADIGMS/GM_AV
  3. In Current Folder, navigate to GM_AV directory
  4. In Command Window, type: 


  1. Send TTLs? 

Yes (DAQ) if ready to record with patient

No (just playing) if test run

  1. Press OK to send test TTLs

‘OK’ to verify TTL pulses are being sent from the computer to recording system

‘Skip Test’ if test run without DAQ

  1. Follow remaining prompts
  2. Screening task will launch
  3. Review instructions at the beginning of each round with participant


Linux Procedure:

  1. Open MATLAB with PTB Tab
  2. Add to path: Desktop/Tasks/Screening2
  3. Plug in controller connector
  4. Open Terminal, and type in instructions found on GamePad.txt to activate controller
  5. Check to see if controller input is being registered by the software. If not, double check that the screening controller mapping is selected in top right of the software
  6. In Command Window, type:


7.   Send TTLs?

Yes (DAQ) if ready to record with patient

No (just playing) if test run

8.   Press OK to send test TTLs

‘OK’ to verify TTL pulses are being sent from the computer to recording system

‘Skip Test’ if test run without DAQ

9.   Follow remaining prompts

10.  Screening task will launch

11.   Review instructions at the beginning of each round with participant